Rick welcomes two prominent Montrealers who have made - and are continuing to make - a huge difference in his hometown. Andy Nulman is an entrepreneur, educator, author and speaker who’s always ahead of the curve, and happy to tell you so. He helped build the Just for Laughs festival into the world’s most prestigious comedy event, and he oozes with “Creativity, Courage and Guts” - that’s also the title of the MBA course he teaches at McGill. His pal Martine St-Victor is a powerhouse in her own right. She is General Manager at the Montréal office of Edelman, and is a frequent contributor to CBC, Radio-Canada, RDI, La Presse and The Gazette - in both official languages, bien sûr. Together, we talk about meeting in elevators, looking like Al Pacino, bridging "Les Deux Solitudes", Jewish and Haitian moms, how difference is an advantage, how politics can kill that advantage, changing your purpose to suit the problem, and fanboying over The Boss.
@andynulman (TW + IG)
@martinemontreal (TW + IG)
15. Andy Nulman & Martine St-Victor
Monday, February 21, 2022
Show Notes