It’s Mother’s Day today, and Rick's gift to you is a conversation with Sian-Pierre Regis and his mom Rebecca Danigelis. They’re the team behind the internationally acclaimed documentary film Duty Free, which has now been seen by over a billion people around the world, and has changed the conversation around ageism. Sian-Pierre is an award-winning journalist, cultural critic, and contributor for CNN, HLN, MTV and CBS. Rebecca, when the film was made, was a 75-year-old housekeeping supervisor at a hotel when she was fired - unfairly - and the film follows their amazing intergenerational journey. Together, they talk about
Corporate restructuring
Suffering in silence
Being gaslit by your employer
Confronting ageism
The POJA Bill: Protect Older Job Applicants
Collective action to make change
Living intergenerationally
Bucket Lists
And jumping out of planes
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Episode on Buzzsprout
24. Rebecca Danigelis & Sian-Pierre Regis
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Show Notes